Occupational Wellness Week

November 15th - 19th 

Your goal is to complete at least 1 wellness activity each week from those listed below. Want to do more than one? Please do! 


Activity #1    National Career Development Month

Career development is something Odessa College is pretty big on. We even have our very own Professional Learning Center dedicated to helping all of us with career development every week! (Shout out to the PLC!) For National Career Development Month, this week identify ways you can further your knowledge and skills in your chosen field. Are there new certifications you can attain? Virtual trainings, inside and outside the PLC you can attend? Do you have a mentor or leader in your field you can ask questions of? Use this week to be proactive in furthering your career!

Activity #2    National Scholarship Month 

It’s National Scholarship Month! Life-long learning should be just that, life-long, but that doesn’t mean it needs to cost you limbs to make it happen. Scholarships are everywhere if you take the time to see what’s available to you. Scholarships for academic classes, attending conferences, paying for certifications, you name it. Did you know most professional organizations have scholarships available to help with conference and certification registration fees? Did you know Odessa College offers an annual scholarship each spring for OC employees known as the Sedate Employee Education Scholarship that can help with all of the above plus trainings, and academic classes? Don't forget to utilize our OC Foundation and Financial Aid Offices, both fantastic resources, PLUS you could qualify for an employee tuition benefit! Spend time this week looking to see what scholarships could be available to you to help continue your academic and professional education!

Activity #3    American Education Week

This week is dedicated to celebrating public education and all of the employees that make the ship run so our students can receive a quality education! This week, recognize those teachers and staff that exemplify what it means to serve our students. Give a shout out online, send a thank you card, or even a thoughtful gift. Whichever way you choose to celebrate, lets ensure everyone that makes it possible for our community to be educated is thanked and applauded this week and year-round!



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